Australian Gold Melbourne Package
The cheapest way to start selling Australian Gold in your store! This packages comes with a made-in-USA countertop wood display and 36 bottles of Australian Gold sunscreen. and aftersun products. This is a $500+ retail value.
The cheapest way to start selling Australian Gold in your store! This packages comes with a made-in-USA countertop wood display and 36 bottles of Australian Gold sunscreen. and aftersun products. This is a $500+ retail value.
The cheapest way to start selling Australian Gold in your store! This packages comes with a made-in-USA countertop wood display and 36 bottles of Australian Gold sunscreen. and aftersun products. This is a $500+ retail value.
Display Dimensions: 12”x12.5”x5.5”
Australian Gold Products are as follows:
6 units of Soothing Aloe Gel
6 Units of Aloe Freeze Gel w/ Lidocaine
6 Units of SPF 50 Sport Continuous Spray
6 Units of SPF 30 Continuous Spray
6 Units of SPF 30 Sport Lotion
6 Units of SPF 50 Little Joey Lotion for Sensitive Skin and Kids